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NexLabs SMARTWallboard is part of SMARTApps Suite of applications that are designed to support Cisco Unified Contact Center (UCC) Express and Enterprise. SMARTWallboard is highly configurable and yet easy to use; it allows the administrator to customise essential contact centre information to be displayed on TV screen(s) via an easy-to-use web-based GUI.

Visualise Call Center Statistics
Displaying real time contact center information and alerts to supervisors and agents will enable better management in call handling. Prompt awareness of such key metrics allows a contact center to maintain optimum performance and increase customer satisfaction.

SMARTWallboard browser-based GUI can be accessed from any PC with an IP connection for administration. SMARTWallboard provides the flexibility for setting up various views involving different skill groups showing a real time view of contact centre activities such as Call in Queues, Agents Availability, Agent Talking, and more.

Multiple Screens, Multiple Devices
SMARTWallboard is designed to display on modern large screen plasma or LCD TV in full colour instead of the traditional LED panel. It improves visibility with colours, allows more information to be communicated on a single screen and enhances the decor of a modern contact centre. Different set of content can be configured for different TV. Each TV can display multiple content rotating at predefined interval. Moreover, SMARTWallboard also offers a “Personal Wallboard” concept that allows contact centre supervisor to view statistics from the colour LCD of a Cisco 7970/71 Unified IP Phones.

SMARTWallboard Mobile Connect
Many organization today releases mobile applications on iOS and Android smart phones. Such mobile applications usually provide their clients and user community with additional information and services as well as an option for a simple “call” function, which is nothing more than a speed dial to the organization’s contact centre.