Competitive Intelligence | Business Communications

Imagine the customer being able to self-discover the hotel's services and information, all on a device that is not just always-on, but connects the call to the right service staff. Not only does the management now have a new contact point for the customer, it has just offered a unique experience that the customer will share with his friends and colleagues!

SMARTHotel Bill Management System

SMARTHotel Bill Management System (BMS) is a call accounting application that supports Cisco CallManagers and can poll and process data from any number of CUCM/CME. A SMARTHotel BMS server would be placed at a central location to collect Call Detail Records (CDR) from each remote CallManager location. The software connects to an IP network and collects data continuously over the LAN/ WAN.

Once the records are calculated, SMARTHotel BMS posts the records to the PMS such as Softbrands and Micros Fidelio at real time through NexLabs PMS connector. From the PMS, hotel staff would be able to generate the final bill (including call charges) to the guest at check-out.

SMARTBill's extensive features include:
  • Web-based access to system and all reports
    SMARTHotel BMS is a fully web-enabled call accounting and billing application. Over your hotel Intranet, any authorized user can access the system, manage IDD tariff, and run reports right from their desktop using a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer.

  • Comprehensive call reports
    All reports can be conveniently generated using any html browser anytime, anywhere. Reporting periods are completely user-definable for any specified length of time. Any report can be previewed as a html page, sent to a printer, or saved to a Excel file. Graphs can also be generated to show the charges pictorially. SMARTBill package consists of more than 30 comprehensive reports for different purposes: Essential Reports for monthly reporting, Exception reports for fraud analysis, Utilisation reports to understand the call traffic pattern in an organization.
  • Multi-tenants support
  • Unlimited operator rates
  • Flexible organisation structures
SMARTBill provides the phone administrator with great flexibility in organising users in a company, supporting organisations hierarchies up to 10 levels deep. Typical organizational structures like Cost Centre, Department, Division, Branches and Countries are easily modelled.

SMARTHotel Room Management System

NexLabs SMARTHotel Room Management system provides easy to use administration for Cisco IP Phones. It provides convenient phone related functions for hoteliers to manage the Cisco IP Phone for their guest during check-in and check-out routines with information obtained automatically from the Hotel PMS. When a guest checks-in,
  • The IP Phone in the room allocated will be unlocked so that the guest will be able to receive and make outgoing IDD calls during his stay.
  • A welcome message will also be displayed on the phone to welcome the guest
  • Update Guest Name in the Cisco CUCM for Caller Name Display so that staff can great the guest by name when staff calls for assistance.
When a guest checks-out,
  • The IP Phone will be locked so that no expensive IDD calls can be made from the phone when a guest is not assigned;
  • The call histories (Missed Calls, Received Calls and Placed Calls) of the guest will also be cleared from the phone memory so as to maintain privacy;
  • Clear away any voice messages left in Cisco Unity Connection voice mail,
  • Delete Guest Name from the Caller Name display in CUCM

SMARTHotel Content Management System

Ads Server
The phone, as an always-on device, is an ideal device for advertisement. Text or images can be flashed on the LCD panel for a few seconds. This rotating ads is like having an advertising billboard in every room! Spot Ads and ongoing promotions can be staged to attract maximum guest attention!
NexLabs Ads Server for hotels is an easy to use web enabled application that allows the hotel and its tenants to stage advertising campaigns to promote a service or product through an intuitive web based graphical user interface. This is especially useful for yield management, for instance, if a restaurant notice that its patrons are low on a Tuesday, it may want to create spot ads for ?Tonight specials only? by offering say a 20% discount on all food. Or, if a sport shop has excess stock like golf balls, it can also use the Ads Server to stage an advertising campaign to lure people to their shops. Upon seeing the attractive rotating advertisement on the phone, users can click a ?Call? button on the phone to call the advertiser (ie the shops or restaurants) to ask for more information or to book a table. Ads can be adhoc or scheduled in advance.

Hotel Information
Currently, a hotel usually provides a paper folder listing the facilities and services in the hotel in every room. This traditional method is less efficient as changes to any information will require the hotel to print out a copy for every room. SMARTHotel suite consists of an easy to use content management system for Cisco Unified Communications that will allow any authorised hotel staff to upload images and text on hotel facilities to a server so that the content can be displayed on the IP Phone. Customers assess the information by selecting from an intuitive menu interface on the phone.