The threat of Phishing attacks to capture personal and confidential information is increasing exponentially. This is a form of online identity theft that usually use spoofed emails designed to lure recipients to fraudulent websites which attempt to trick them into divulging personal financial data such as credit card numbers, account usernames and passwords. Well known brands such as banks, online retailers and credit card companies are the usual prime targets for such attacks.
NexLabs’ patented “Content Analysis and Differential Engine” in the award winning TrackEngine product is used to conduct long-term, sustained surveillance on suspicious web sites. TrackEngine uses intelligent agent technology to automatically monitor the Internet and employs artificial intelligence to sieve through information for the desired new content. The scale of such intelligent monitoring is usually not practical through manual means.
In “TrackEngine Anti-Phishing Edition”, Intelligent Agents such as “Domain Tracks”, “Search Tracks” and “Web Tracks” are deployed to allow early detection of potential phishing attacks. This is the only solution in the world today that employs sophisticated Intelligent Agents techniques to monitor the Internet for potential phishing attacks. The “Triple Tracks Defenses” adopted by TrackEngine Anti-Phishing allows you to have triple protection for your Internet assets given you greater peace of mind that your Internet assets, brands and customers are protected round the clock!
TrackEngine Anti-Phishing has already been deployed at major financial institutions and has effectively alerted the organizations of numerous phishing attacks. Contact NexLabs today for a White Paper and on how this solution can act as an early warning radar system to fend off phishing attacks and identity theft. |