Your web site is the most visible business asset to the world! NexLabs Intelligent Website products allow you to disseminate information and delivers right information to your client with intelligent search enhancements. Businesses today use the web site as a communication tool to provide information to interested parties such as investors, partners and customers. TrackEngine Webmaster allows your site visitors to specify the type of information to be promptly delivered to their email when it becomes available. It takes only 1 minute for a webmaster to enable a site with such a feature and it delivers infinite value in site stickiness and higher customer loyalty.
NexLabs intelligent search enhancements tools such as Trendicate NLQ and Trendicate Knowledge Cluster enable site visitors to find the desired information quickly. Trendicate NLQ allows a user to find answers from a content rich site by asking a question expressed in natural English language. Trendicate Knowledge Cluster enhances on typical search results by grouping the documents returned into clusters with similar themes.